I will start by saying I love my life. I love my husband and I love my two baby boys. I love being a mommy, and I love being able to stay home and raise my boys and watch them grow. With that said, some days I'm not sure that I am going to survive!!!
Have I said that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job IN THE WORLD???? Well, it is.
Rayden is such a strong willed, independent young man, which on most days are great traits, traits I hope that continue to stay with him as he grows older. Other days, he uses those traits to try and overpower both myself and his daddy. We have had a few of these power struggles in the past six months or so, and when they come they are so horrible. Yesterday was one of those days. I guess Rayden woke up thinking he was the boss and that was the way it was going to be. We were almost ready to leave for tumbling when I asked Rayden to pick up his toys in the living room. He agreed but asked for a piece of candy. I told him I would open the candy after he picked up the toys. He said okay, and then proceeded into the living room, plopped himself down, opened the candy himself and continued to watch cartoons. I didn't say anything to him, but got the remote and turned the TV off. Rayden marched himself up to the TV, turned it back on, turned to me and with a pointed finger declared "Don't you EVER turn my TV off again". I about fell over! I busted his little butt and sent him to his room. He got to his room and stopped at the door and yelled "I don't HAVE to go to my room". I was in complete shock, I mean WOW! He got another spanking and I told him to get up on his bed, which was followed by another "I don't have to". I had had it. I went to the kitchen and got some garbage sacks and started putting every toy I could get my hands on into the bags. This is while Rayden is screaming, hitting me, and trying to rip the bags out of my hands. That was my breaking point. I then did what any rational mom would do ~ call dad home! Rayden is now in his room with the door shut, crying and I am sure probably trying to get the toys out of the bags. He comes out of the room and says to me "Give me your phone- I am calling my daddy and he is going to spank your butt" I just shake my head as Rayden gets the phone to call. When Chance answers Rayden says "Daddy, I need your help!!!" I can hear Chance say "you need my help?" Rayden says "yes, can you please come home and spank my momma's butt?" Chance tells him he will be home in a few minutes to get to the bottom of what was going on. Chance makes it home and we tell him what has transpired over the morning. Rayden is sure he is in the right and that Daddy is going to spank me. Rayden is in shock when Chance goes in his room and tells Rayden that all of those toys are going to storage until he can earn them back this is met with "No, Daddy, please go back to work, please just go to your shop" Chance has to leave the room because he is laughing so hard!!! So here we are, with three garbage bags of toys in storage, along with his tool bench. He can earn the toys back by being good and doing what we ask, as well as loose other toys by doing the opposite. So far, it is working, well, it's only been a day, so we will see how long it lasts.
My question is, who said "terrible twos" did that person not survive to make it to the threes. I would take the twos over the threes any day... Only four more months until he is four! Can I survive? And nobody out there better tell me that it could possibly get worse for the fours......
Did you hear me say that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job IN THE WORLD???? Well, it is.
Brokenness to Beauty
1 month ago